Tuesday, January 5, 2010


My dearest Nora, wherever thou mayst roam,

I've just learned that Old Flame became engaged on New Year's Eve, and my immediate reaction was an anguished one. I felt as though someone hit me square in the chest with a battering ram. What hurts even more is that I felt that way. I'm mad at myself for obviously still feeling so strongly for her, even after all of the heartache and misery she brought to me.

How can this possibly be?

Perhaps jealousy is tangled up in the formula. Marriage, even at the age of 5, has been my most sought-after desire. Three engagements have recently been revealed to me and I've not felt happy about any of them, though the realisation that I should is there. Depression must play some part in this, as well.

The need to get my head straight is now more apparent than ever. I am hereby announcing my intent to resign from this position of gloominess and misery and buy up the controlling share of stock in J.O. Morris, Inc.

May the grace of He keep you always,

J.O. Morris

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